Without a wallet, I believe every man would be a little less of a man. As insignificant as that little square of leather is, for many it is something of a rite of passage when a previously wallet-less boy obtains his first wallet. For one, it signifies that he is mature and sufficient enough to probably have money of his own—hence the wallet. But there’s more to it than that.
I remember my first wallet. As of yet, I have only owned two. My grandfather gave it to me after I had earned a substantial amount of money (at least for a 7 year old boy). Though this wallet was large, bulky, and looked like a toy, it filled me with great pride to finally own one. I’m still not sure if it was even a real wallet or something my grandpa found at a toy store, but such details weren’t relevant at this time in my life. I had a wallet—and I think I grew up a little more than usual on that day.
A man’s gender opposite may have anywhere from five to twenty purses at any given time of her life. Because of this painfully noticeable fact, I fear females fail to recognize the significance of maintaining a loyalty to the object that carries our money around. In stark contrast with this fickle nature, I have yet to meet a man that owns more than one wallet (or at least one that would admit it). Many times, this wallet will last him an entire lifetime, serving its noble purpose without complaint until it simply falls apart. It will travel around in his rear pocket silently, for years, until it almost becomes a part of him.
Today, I possess a solid looking brown leather wallet. Its edges have become slightly frayed and worn, but this doesn’t bother me at all. Instead of going out and buying a new one, I look at my wallets aging as a sign of mutual maturity. As I grow older, so does my wallet. The more worn it appears, the period of time that I have possessed it becomes more and more obvious, making it quite clear to cashiers and waiters that I have owned this wallet for a extended period of time, and I don’t plan to exchange it any time soon.
Though people who have never formed a deep bond with their wallet may not understand, it’s an experience everyone should be able to appreciate, even if only once. Some things mean far more than what they are used for, and a wallet is definitely not an exception.